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Books of Sons of Odin: Box Sets

BOOKS 1 to 5 Angel Magic Edition 2 300 D

Books One to Five of the Sons of Odin: Angel-Magic Edition

In the opening volume of a complex new fantasy series, Hammer offers readers lavish battles, dizzying amounts of gore, and a system of magical patrons called Battle Angels that fans of the Final Fantasy video games should enjoy. Hammer’s prose is often dense with imagery, as when “Anna, the crew,” and“the bushland were all swallowed by a vortex of light and shadows,” and “the light exploded into tiny filaments of burning gold and white energies.” The battles, during which the Sons of Odin—and Jean, the Daughter of Thor—summon superpowered guardians, are splatterfests (demons are blasted “into dust and smoke, torn flesh and large spurts of dark blood”). - Kirkus Reviews

Druantia’s Curse is entertaining and full of surprises—from wormholes to vampires—but it requires dedication to track all of the subplots. Casual readers of fantasy may befrustrated by the wealth of detail, but diehard fans will appreciate the Robert Jordanesque layering of characters, relationships and lands that brings Kismeria to life. - BlueInk Reviews

In his third installment of the series, Hammer continues to tap a vein of phantasmagoric mayhem that should mesmerize video gamers and fans of the Lord of the Rings alike. Nearly every page displays eye-popping battle visuals: “Lightning filled the sky, a rainbow of coloured bolts, a thousand falling every second to turn the grey haze into a bright neon flare.” - Kirkus Reviews

Books One to Four of the Heroes of Legend

The author’s narrative technique of rapidly shifting viewpoints from chapter to chapter echoes a similar tactic by some of the bestselling writers in the fantasy genre, and for good reason: It keeps the story hurrying along in a compulsively readable way. Hammer is likewise skillful at changing tones; one chapter can be filled with high-stakes sorcerous tension, and the next can be, equally convincingly, lighthearted (Princess Cybele’s verbal sparring with Perseus is a perfect example of the latter). Unfortunately, these strengths don’t always offset the narrative’s weaknesses. Elements of the story are disappointingly derivative—the vampire lord is called Drahkul, Eldarus makes frequent references to the Three Rings of Power, and so on. The larger plot will be utterly beyond the comprehension of any newcomer—the author makes no concerted effort to fill in new readers about anything that’s happened in the series’ earlier entries. Readers encounter a very inventive world—one that features everything from Jinns to Greek mythology to Shaolin monks to the Monkey King, and in which the legions of Caesar can easily end up fighting hordes of vampires. Readers already up to speed on the many ongoing plot threads will find this volume a tense and fast-paced addition to Hammer’s engaging fantasy world. The plot thread involving Cybele’s growing—and ill-fated—feelings for Perseus is particularly effective, and Hammer does a good job of orchestrating the book’s suspenseful ending, which leads readers right on to the next installment.


A colorful and hyperactive section of a larger multicultural fantasy epic. - Kirkus Reviews

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Book One of the Heroes of Legend: The Archer, The Princess, and the Dragon King - Kirkus Review Excerpt

In this series opener, Hammer’s prose evokes the romantic diction and mythological complexity of the high fantasy genre, sometimes to an eye-rolling extent: “If the prophecies are to be believed, the Snow Wolf will be born this night,” Tristan’s father tells him. “Frostgale’s mate was the king of all sabre-wolves, and so the prophecies state that he shall sire the Snow Wolf. You know the story, boy. Do I have to tell it again?” There isn’t much here that can be considered original thinking, and some of it even comes across as a tad bit lazy. The Vampire King’s name? Drahkuhl. The emperor’s? Caesar. That said, the author gets things started with an admirable economy. It’s a 93-page novella, and readers will meet most of the major players by Page 6. It’s unclear how many more installments Hammer has planned—one suspects it’s quite a few—but so far the pacing is brisk and the world, if not completely unique, is quite fun. Matthew and Eldarus travel on a ship with a crew of pirate ghosts. Drahkuhl stalks ancient ruins and subsists on the blood of sheep. This story may not prove to be a crossover hit like some of the books that inspired it, but readers who love the fantasy genre will find much here to enjoy. A derivative but skillfully executed and engaging fantasy. - Kirkus Reviews

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